Arbitration Court for disputes in TLD - UDRP
Welcome to the platform for the alternative dispute resolution (UDRP) for Top Level Domain name disputes.
Start UDRP dispute Dispute resolution Rules Help FAQWelcome to the website of the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) provider for Internet related disputes
Czech Arbitration Court (CAC) provides Alternative Dispute Resolution services of the highest quality using a secure on-line platform and a network of expert panellists fluent in all the languages of the European Union and many other countries.
Since January 2009, CAC provides UDRP service for generic Top Level Domains such as .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .mobi, .tel and many others (see complete list). The proceeding is conducted through UDRP online platform. CAC provides swift UDRP dispute resolution of high quality and low costs. UDRP Panellists (see complete list) decide these disputes.
CAC is one of only two ADR providers for .eu domain name disputes.
Czech Arbitration Court based in Prague, helps brand and trade mark owners, domain name registrants and registration companies all over the world to resolve conflicts in a fast, efficient and cost-effective fashion.
Contact us
Czech Arbitration Court
Payment of FEES by card
28. 07. 2024
Payment of FEES by card
In filings from July 29, 2024 it is possible to pay the fees for domain name disputes via card!
Our platform cooperates with Global Payments secure payment gateway, enabling quick and easy card payment. There are no special fees for payment by card (the fee is the same as bank transfer).
We hope this new method will be more comfortable and quicker than a bank transfer.
Another record year in UDRP filings
10. 01. 2024
Another record year in UDRP filings
The CAC started to provide services in UDRP dispute resolution in 2009, which means we are starting our 15th year as a UDRP Provider.
In 2023 the CAC overcame another filing record with a total of 908 filed cases. We have published 803 panel decisions and dispute parties reached about 50 settlements.
We would like to thank all of our panelists for their shared effort, ICANN for the possibility of being a part of the UDRP world and also to all participants of UDRP proceedings for the constant feedback which helps us grow.
We hope to introduce credit card payments for domain name disputes this year and we are also looking forward to another Prague panelist meeting this year.
Stay tuned!
CAC ADR team
Summary of 2022….. welcome 2023
01. 01. 2023
Summary of 2022….. welcome 2023
In August 2022 the CAC launched a new version of our online platform for UDRP disputes. In October other two platforms - for .EU and .CZ cases followed. We can gladly say that all the disputes now run in a new, modern environment. We continue the development process so the platforms can work even better!
The Panelist meeting in October 2022 presented a great opportunity to discuss important topics of domain name dispute resolution. We are glad to look back at such a successful event!
According to our records, we have also reached 700 hundred cases this year - to be specific, in 2022 the complainants initiated 728 cases with the CAC. We are thrilled that the CAC gained such a reputation that Trademark owners use our services more and more. We appreciate the trust and we are looking forward to future cooperation also in forthcoming years.
CAC team