Contact us
Czech Arbitration Court (CAC)
Whole name: Arbitration Court attached to the Czech Chamber of Commerce and the Agrarian Chamber of the Czech Republic
Registration number under Czech law: 481 35 313
Vladislavova 17, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Web address: udrp.adr.eu; www.arbcourt.cz
E-mail: info@adr.eu
Tel: +420 222 333 360
Reception: +420 222 333 340
You may also contact your case admin directly. We will answer you within our office hours (9:00 - 16:00 CET on working days). Contact details:
Iveta Špiclová: spiclova@adr.eu; phone: +420 771 275 499
Olga Dvořáková: dvorakova@adr.eu; phone: + 420 771 275 493
Lenka Náhlovská: nahlovska@adr.eu